
来自:贴吧网友   更新日期:2024-06-02

  • 唯美的早安英文句子
  • 答:If a man cant do early in the morning, mitment: I the body e, take our love, hope and trust. e. 唯美的早安英文句子三 早晨早十分钟起床,可以挤十分钟读书 ┈━☆收集发布者:美语录┈━═☆分类:英文语录早安英文 1、To get up early in the morning ten minutes, you can squeeze the ten m...

  • 注意身体,早点休息英语怎么说
  • 答:注意身体,早点休息的英文:Take care of your body and rest early.重点词汇 1、care 英 [keə] 美 [kɛr]n. 关怀;照料;谨慎;忧虑 vi. 照顾;关心;喜爱;顾虑 vt. 在意;希望或喜欢 短语 friso care 美素佳儿 ; 美素全称美素佳儿 Primary Care 医学院 ; 基层医疗 ; 社区...

  • 英文演讲关于生病住院的
  • 答:Everyone knows that the patient is a need to care and help for the special groups, as a medical worker how to "urgent emergency patients, to patients, patients do, can really win the patient's trust and love.是的,我是一名护士,假如我是一名病人,我对医生和护士的希望很多很多……Yes, I am...

  • how to take care of you teeth作文
  • 答:how to take care of you teeth作文如下:My mother always tells me not to eat too much candy, but I just couldn’t control myself. Once, I felt my teeth hurt and did not feel like eating. My mother took me to see the dentist and I was so afraid.The doctor used his ma...

  • How do you take care of your body (i.e. fitness, nutrition, etc...
  • 答:If you have a medical problem, use it as a prompt to acquire a deeper understanding of your body and how to take care of it properly. Do everything possible to get the best medical attention where this is called for. If you are not satisfied with your medical treatment, ask for a ...

  • 劲急..英文作文(说明文)How to take care of a pet dog?
  • 答:first we should respect their life and respect their existence. Do not abandon (遗弃) them or leave them unattended all the time in their cage without food and water. Like human beings dogs need love and care. Then show your love and care by giving gentle pats or hug. They ...

  • 英文作文how to take care of yourself
  • 答:第一部分,表决心,i want to take care of myself.第二部分,写原因,why do you want to take care of yourself?第三部分,如何做,what will you do to take care of yourself?第四部分,结尾。

  • 初中英语动副短语
  • 答:how do you do=你好hurry up=(使)赶紧,(使)匆忙,仓促I.D. card=身份证if only=只要improve on=改进in (the )future=今后,将来in a hurry=匆忙地,立即in a moment=立刻,马上in a sense=从某种意义上说in a way=在某点,在某种程度上in a word=总而言之in accordance with=与...一致in addition=另...

  • 高中英语
  • 答:2) Not until I began to work ___ how much time I had wasted. A. didn't I realize B. did I realize C. I didn't realize D. I realize 答案为B。3) Do you know Tom bought a new car? I don't know, ___. A. nor don't I care B. nor do I care C. I don't care ...

  • how to keep healthy英语作文
  • 答:how to keep healthy英语作文 篇1 As we all know it is very important to keep healthy. But do you know how to keep healthy? Firstly I think we must have enough food to keep us healthy. Breakfast is necessary. It gives us energy for morning. We must also have the right kind of food...


  • 15752509164贝巩:理想 英语作文理想的职业 英语作文50词就成、最好带翻译、、谢谢~ -
    1565万委:[答案] My Ideal Job There are various kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing, teaching and engineering. But different ... As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher. I choose to do so mainly for three reasons. First, I want to teach because I ...
  • 15752509164贝巩:题目是How do you make planning for future career?要求每人3~5句 -
    1565万委: I have had a dream since my boyhood. I want very much to be a doctor. I want to be a doctor because doctors can cure patients and thus make people healthy and happy. Doctors can offer their help to the poor people so that more people can get ...
  • 15752509164贝巩:Be early to. 还是 be early for -
    1565万委: 其实呢, 从语法角度讲,两个短语都是正确的. 一般还是要看具体用法吧,例如 it's early to finish this task. it's early for you to finish this one.
  • 15752509164贝巩:How important is a career for a woman? After childbirth?
    1565万委: Thank you for your qusetion Firstly,I think career is very important for everyone,everybody wants to live a good life and make a lot of money to afford their family,the same as a woman who have born. some women want to stay at home to looke after ...
  • 有友圈 ,大家对时尚产品用品的交流衣、食、住、行、用……进行点评,为健康绿色生活提供参考

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